microGRANT Request
1- Date:
2- Name of the applicant:
3- Birthday:
4- Age of the applicant:
5- Applicant’s contact information
Phone Number
Sponsor Information to be filled out by “Sponsor”
6- Name of the applicant’s sponsor
Phone Number
7- How do you know the applicant?
8- How long have you known the applicant?
9- Please explain how best you can guide the applicant on their commitment to Give Back to the community.
microGrant Information to be answered by the child
10- What will this microGRANT be used for?
11- How much are you applying for?
12- Who will be receiving the funds? (We never send funds directly to the applicant)
13- To show appreciation for your microGRANT, we ask that you "Take A Moment to Give Back" to your community.
14- How do you plan to do this?
15- Please tell us why you chose this way of Giving Back and what it means to you?
16- Any additional comments:
Please email the above information to info@TaylorLynn.org